Saturday, 7 December 2019

How I Rate My Albums

How I Rate My Albums
0 - This will pretty much never happen because i will know in advance if an album is going to be this bad, but you can guess how i would feel about the album with this rating. I wouldn't be able to finish the album, every song would just be annoying and i can't pick out a single positive. Imagine someone who has never created music before and tried to piece something together for fun. 
1 - I was able to get through the album but it was a struggle. But pretty much the same as the rating before. Impossible to pick out anything good.
2 -  Now we can talk about something, mostly this rated album will be someone without the professional production but will have a little spark in their potential. Or possibly it's a known artist with the worst day at their office.
3 - Much like the previously rating but I'm feeling a little more generous.
4 - This is like a pass GCSE grade and i can consider this album as an album, i can see where people will like it but it just isn't for me, im not going to come back to it however its worth the listen. 
5 - The definition of average, a hand full of good things but also a hand full of bad things, just not my cup of tea and i will pretty much never come back to this album. 
6 - Now things start to get interesting, maybe their is a song that reaches out to you every now and again, you will remember this album as parts of it but not the whole picture. 
7 - At 7 there is alot of things to talk about, way more songs which are on your bucket list to listen to for the day but it is will depend on the mood. 
8 - This is where little tweaks are needed to make this album amazing, maybe there are too many songs, maybe the songs are too long or too short, just little things that bug you but you can always come back to this record. Definitely there are playlist worthy songs included. 
9 - Considered one of the best albums of the year for sure, a game changing record for you and a breath of fresh air. If someone was to ask you what your favourite albums are this would be one of them and the songs included are some of the most played songs on your playlists. 
10 -Absolute classic, as a critic your struggling to find something bad to say, everything is just so impressive and your sat wondering how it is this good. In 20 years time you will not forget it and you wish you had bought a vinyl of it.

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